Company goals

Padideh Kavosh Iranian

Economic Growth

Effective role in the economic growth of the country in the mining sector and mining industries

Guarantee the profit

Guarantee the operating profit of the company's projects in the long run

Upgrade and Satisfaction

Satisfaction of suppliers and upgrading their capabilities for development

The latest innovations

Achieving the latest innovations and scientific achievements in the field of company

Upgrading the level of technology

Development of public awareness, technical knowledge and upgrading the level of technology in the company's areas of activity

specialized human power

Training of specialized manpower and strengthening of human capital

Optimizing and improving productivity

Optimizing the use of resources to improve productivity in the factory and company

Environmental Protection

Preservation and sustainability of the environment by establishing the latest environmental standards and their continuous monitoring and control

معدن سنگ آهن هماتیتی رضوان، پدیده کاوش ایرانیان

First Factory
